Friday, March 21, 2014


It has been so long since I have posted! I missed you all and I hope you missed me as well.
This month has been eye opening. I have not had anything major happen but I have had lots of frustrating days. 1. I have torn a money order in half that was supposed to pay my rent and since it was damaged I had to purchase a whole new one (definitely was not in my plans). 2.I sprained my foot and still don't know how I did it but with lots of prayer, Epsom salt and green alcohol, I'm as good as new. 3.My driver's seat in my car is partially broken because the electric motor on the left side malfunctioned. So now, my seat swivels instead of moving forward. 4. And last but not least, my phone was either lost or stolen on Wednesday and you know that I had to pay my deductible to get a new one.
I guess you can say, "when it rains, it pours" but Wednesday evening while I was calming myself down about losing my phone, I began to hear a voice and HE told me to "SLOW DOWN". I heard it very clear. Why? Because I heard it when I ripped the money order, I heard it when I sprained my foot, I heard it when my seat broke and the broken phone as well. Those previous incidents were warnings, but I did not take heed. I heard the voice whisper in my ear, but this last time it was loud and clear. "SLOW DOWN"!
How many times do we tell others that we are so busy? I have heard myself say it lots of times. I rush around and then I say there are not enough hours in the day. When my phone was lost/stolen, I was so frustrated with myself because I know that I always put it in my work bag and I am usually very careful. How could I leave my phone unattended? I felt irresponsible and I was quite nervous thinking about the money that I was going to pay to replace it.
Finally after looking everywhere I could imagine, I stopped and prayed. Wait, shouldn't I have prayed first? Of course I should have, but I didn't "SLOW DOWN" to consider it. That night, I asked God to just ease my mind and give me peace about the situation. I prayed earnestly and went to bed free from frustration. The next morning, I woke up with PEACE. I don't know if you all have ever had a burden lifted off of you, but it is the best feeling. No, I didn't find my phone. Yes, I still had to pay the deductible for a new phone. No, I did not have any alternate communication but for the first time in months I heeded to that voice that told me to "SLOW DOWN". That phone had become the first thing I looked at in the morning and the last thing I looked at night. Without it, I had a new routine...I prayed on the way to work, I appreciated the beauty of the day that I awakened to, I was prompt for appointments, I went for a walk, I went to the library and enjoyed a good meal... with NO PHONE! No distractions.
As much as that replacement phone is hitting me where it hurts, my wallet. I know that I have learned a few lessons. 1. Take heed to that whisper that you may hear when HE tells you something. 2. SLOW DOWN... Don't let life's daily activities suck you in and forget about what is really important. 3. "A hard head really does make a soft behind" I hope you all enjoy your weekend! I will be continuing my "no phone adventure" until my replacement arrives but believe me I will continue to "SLOW DOWN" *Don't forget to connect with me in the comments, I would love to hear how you "SLOW DOWN".