Wednesday, November 12, 2014

When It Rains... It Pours

How many times have you heard the phrase, "When it rains, it pours"? I hear it all the time when things are not going very well. It means that one problem leads to another. I hate to hear this phrase.

Last week, for the first time since I purchased my car, I had car trouble! First of all, I think it is a blessing that I have gone this long without a trip to the mechanic or auto shop. But on the other hand, who enjoys car trouble? Nobody. The problem was handled swiftly thanks to my boyfriend stepping in to save the day. He kept me calm, scheduled a tow truck, and communicated with the repairman about the repairs. I had my car back within 36 hours! At one point, I began to get extremely nervous and frustrated. But then I reminded myself, "Why worry, when you can pray?" I was also extremely thankful that my supervisor from work brought me home on Friday and my boyfriend's sister was willing to help me get around Baton Rouge. Everyone was so supportive and for that I am extremely grateful.

So, my life was back on track after my car was back on the road! Then on Monday, my phone slipped out of my hands and crashed to the ground! Great! Not only did I just pay for my car to be repaired, but now I have to repair the screen on my phone. In that moment, I caught the negativity that was getting ready to spill out of my mouth and shoved it to the back of my mind. The bright side of my phone slipping to the ground is that it still works and it actually is not going to be as costly as I first assumed.

The lesson that I have learned in this past week, is that life is not always perfect. Yes, these were minor event or hiccups in my life. It could have been worse, however even if it was I have to trust and believe that it would have all worked out for my good. Every time someone comments, "When it rains, it pours", it makes me feel like we don't have any faith in what is to come. As humans, we automatically fear for the worst but as believers we should expect the best. Exercise your faith when a trial comes into your life.
 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1