Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Happy, Happy New Year! Wait, I know I'm so late. I won't give you any excuses but I will tell you that I am so happy to be back in action! I am so excited for the things I have planned for Misha's Mentions this year! Now, that pleasantries are out of the way... How many of you made resolutions? I know, I know it seems that resolutions are not "in" anymore. More than anything on social media, people make fun of the people that still partake in resolutions. Well, I have a confession to make.... I still believe in resolutions!

I have always been a fan of goal setting, lists, planning, etc. I like to write down what I want to accomplish, how I'm going to do it and when it's going to happen. Goal setting just makes me feel complete. I tend to live by the fact that each day you wake up is another chance to get it right, which means I may not always accomplish every goal but I keep trying. New Year's Resolutions are basically the main event of Goal Setting. It's the perfect time to shine and get your best goal ready. So, I know you are probably wondering what my resolutions are?

My main resolution is to get in better shape. Not a very original resolution, but a necessary one. Currently, I weigh the most that I have ever weighed in my life. It has to change. I am making a conscious decision to eat better and exercise more. I even signed up for my first 5K, which has been a goal of mine for the past 3 years! I am excited about the journey that I am embarking on.

While on social media, I saw a graphic for 2014 Reflections and 2015 Goals. I want to share it with you so you can fill in your own blanks but I also want to share what I filled in!

My favorite experience: My 30th Birthday! I am loving becoming older and more mature.

My biggest accomplishment: Misha's Mentions! This is something that gives me great joy and I am working to make it even better.

My favorite place to visit: DeRidder, LA. It's HOME, always has been and always will be.

The best meal is: Chargrilled oysters and boiled seafood (crab legs, shrimp, crawfish, etc)

If I have a free day, I like to: Open my blinds to let the sunlight in and lounge on the couch. Then go to the lakes for a walk. Perfect.

My favorite book: I don't really have one right now! I used to read all the time but I don't really read as much now.

My favorite movie: ???

One way I'd like to grow in 2015: Follow through with all the great ideas that I come up with!

I want to continue to: Have positive energy. Being negative can really weigh you down.

I want to try: Expanding my palette and trying new foods.

I want to stop: Doubting myself.

I'd like to visit these places: Washington, D.C./ New York City/Orlando, FL/Destin, FL

My goals for this year:          1.Follow through with my ideas for Misha's Mentions.
                                                 2. Keep being me and striving to be better everyday.

Everyday I wake up thankful for a new day and ready to make this day better than the one before. I make resolutions every day as I think about how I can be better. Instead of saying "New Year, New Me", say "New Year, Same Me...But Better" Happy New Year!