Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Confessions of an Overthinker

Hi, my name is Tamisha and I'm an Overthinker. I come up with grand, fantastic ideas then I get lazy and never develop them into fruition. It's a shame because I've come up with some great ideas and sat on them out of fear, procrastination and laziness. Enough is enough and I'm tired of having the seeds and not planting them.

In November I purchased the domain for In December, I began developing my website via SquareSpace. I knew that I needed a different platform as well as a different look to take my blog to the next level. What I didn't know is that it would take some learning to fully transition the site. I looked at all the other blogs and saw they had beautiful logos, crisp photos and clever content. Guess what? I had none of those things. I began to second-guess if it was even worth it to continue with the blog... See what I mean? Overthinking. January comes along and I'd completely lost my motivation. I thought maybe I should just write some blog posts and maybe that would ignite a new fire. I had 10 topics ready but I couldn't bring myself to write about ANYTHING. Absolutely ridiculous.

I tucked away my vision for Misha's Mentions and decided to go on with my daily routine... Until... I listened a podcast that motivated me.

The podcast was about creating healthy habits but the thing that stuck out to me the most was she said the reason why most goals don't happen is the way that we set them. For example, instead of saying, "I'm going to lose 30 pounds this year"; say "I'm going to work out 3 times a week and commit to eating more fruits and vegetables/less processed food".

That's a huge difference. Instead of attempting to succeed blindly, you have a blue print for your goals. While listening to that podcast, I had an "A-HA Moment". I was setting unattainable goals for myself. I haven't exercised in months even though I'm not happy with my physical health. I've been eating like a teenager even though I'm 32 years old and planning to have a family soon. I could give you even more examples, but I think you get the point.

So here I am, writing blog posts on this platform instead of I plan to publish blog posts here until March when I can transition to the other site.

Hopefully this post resignated with you. Do you have a goal that you're trying to reach? Tell me what are you doing to reach your goal.

Thanks for reading! The link to the podcast is above, check it out and tell me what you think!