Thursday, January 9, 2014


Sorry it has been so long! I hope all of the holidays were enjoyable for you all! We are in a new year and I am so excited about the things to come! This will be a busy year for me with so many activities and I am looking forward to it. I turn 30 this year, my mom reaches a milestone birthday as well, graduation for my closest aunt and so much more! I am excited for the challenges and ready to get busy!
New Year's is my favorite time, not because of the many resolutions but just because of the sense of renewal. January 1 begins a clean slate for most and time to make improvements. While browsing social media, lots of users began to say that they don't believe in resolutions. They said that they are a waste of time and further criticized others for participating in the tradition. Personally, I say let the people make their resolutions. If it takes January 1, to make someone do personal evaluations, then so be it.
I am trying to lead a healthier lifestyle (cliché, I know), I want to work out regularly and not eat as much fried food. So far, I have been doing well. It is a work in progress but I'm doing it. Hopefully this change, will lead to me not having fluffy cheeks but we will see,lol! Other than that I am looking forward to what this year may bring.
I am excited that I get to share my experiences with you and I hope you enjoy them. I wish all of you a Happy New Year! Don't forget to subscribe to my posts, so you can be informed of new entries and connect with me through my comments section as well! 2014, here we come!!!

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