Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Hello October!

Hello! Hello! I have missed posting! I had a little bit of writer's block in September and just couldn't get a topic together but I am back! It's been a while; the season has changed from Summer to Fall, a new month has begun and most of all there are so many exciting things happening!

October is my favorite month of  the year! Not only is it my birthday but so many of my closest friends and relatives also celebrate their birthdays this month. The weather is awesome and I just feel a sense of renewal. I know that we are 8 days into the month so let me give you a recap on what has happened so far!

On this past Saturday we held a cookout to celebrate my Papa's 87th Birthday! That's right, he is 87 years old! What a tremendous blessing... not only to be that age, but to be that age and still be able to be self-sufficient! We had a great turnout to celebrate his birthday and it actually looked like a mini-reunion rather than a birthday party! There was plenty of food and lots of laughs. I felt blessed that not only was my Papa there but my Gran was right by his side. I also got to see lots of my cousins! Most of them I communicate with regularly and others we just don't get the chance to stay in touch. Check out some of the pictures below!

Gran, Papa, Delishea (my sister) and me!

My cousin (Dee Dee), me, and Cherrelle.

Me and my sister! We look alike on this picture!

My Aunt Mae Helen and me!

Aunt Mae Helen and my sister!

Me and Gran!

Cherrelle, me and my sister!
As you can see, the first week/weekend in October brought on lots of fun! This weekend coming up is my boyfriend's birthday and I am super excited about it! I will keep you all updated each week of this month! I promise not to be a stranger. As always, I appreciate your support!

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