Tuesday, December 23, 2014


 I had the time of my life in Vegas in October! Yes, I went to Las Vegas, NV to celebrate my best friend's birthday!Arnikko turned 30, well me too...but a week after her so that makes her older! This trip had been in the works for months! It ended up being 8 girls, our priority was to have fun and we definitely had a blast!

Now, about this trip... The trip was amazing! This was my first Vegas trip and I knew all of the ladies except for 1. First of all, I know that it is challenging to plan a trip for a group of adults AND have it go smoothly. There are so many personalities, likes and dislikes, preferences, etc. This trip was not like that. We didn't have drama and everybody had 1 goal... HAVE FUN! We were in Vegas, so I knew I was going to party but I did not think that these ladies would inspire me and teach me things like they did! For this blog entry, I would like to introduce you to the fabulous ladies from the trip!


Where do I begin? Arnikko has been my friend as long as I can remember. We have went through every important phase in our lives together. Arnikko is a giver, she would give her last if she could. She's loyal to her family and friends. The best example that I can give to illustrate how loyal she is from a time when we were in college. We were sophomores in college at Louisiana Tech, she said that she would not be in her room because she had some business to handle that day. That was odd because we spent mostly everyday, all day together. That particular day, she made the decision to go test to get into the Army Reserves. I asked her why did she do it. "She told me that there were things that she needed and she had to make a personal decision to prepare for her future. She wanted to travel, she wanted to be financially stable, she wanted her college paid for, and she wanted retirement." What 20 year old do you know is already thinking about retirement? Since that day, she made the sacrifice of being a normal 20 year old to being wise beyond her years. She is fulfilling her dreams of seeing the world and this is just the beginning. She inspires me constantly and she is so much fun to hang out with. I'm so happy I got to celebrate her 30th birthday with her!

I also met April at Louisiana Tech. We took some Speech Communication classes together, but I only knew her in passing. I remember one of my professors saying, "April is one of the best speakers in our class". What an honor! I am a word/speech/communication nerd so that complement set a mark of what I wanted to aspire to become. She was very intelligent and it was highly noticeable. April is one of those people that you just want to be your friend. She goes against the grain, not because it is popular but because it is what she truly believes. She has a heart for education and is currently pursuing a higher degree. Expect great things from her!

Kim is also a Louisiana Tech Alumnus! Geaux Dawgs! I met Kim through Arnikko, we have hung out several times and I really enjoy when we all get together. Kim is currently pursuing her Master's degree while working a full time job. I admire her will and tenacity. She has goals of possibly doing consulting work after she finishes her degree. She has a plan and I know that she will execute it without any problems. Kim is a great friend to Arnikko. She is a constant in her life and I get the impression that she is a great friend to all of her friends in her circle. Geaux Kimmie!

I did not meet TaKeisha until the trip but I instantly liked her. She has such a peaceful spirit about her. Over brunch, she shared that she has dreams of starting her own non profit agency. I am rooting for her because not only does she have a passion for what she wants to do but she is interested in learning the business side to her passion. From first impressions, TaKeisha balances her life very well. She is a mother, has a full time career and has higher aspirations for her life as well. She also recently appeared in a stage play in Monroe. I did not get to attend but it looked amazing through Facebook photos! TaKeisha is multi-talented and definitely an innovator. Remember her name, she is going to do amazing works!

Danielle T.
Danielle! I have known Danielle forever! We grew up together in DeRidder! Danielle is married and a mother of 3. However, being a wife and mother is not the only thing that she does. She is also a property manager for an apartment complex. She shared that she took a property that no one wanted to manage and turned it around. She also shared a story about having faith with the group of ladies. I really have tucked that story in my heart because she was honest with how faith has manifested in her life. Danielle makes being a wife and mother easy and she always seems to look fabulous while doing it!

Danielle S.
Danielle S.! I met Danielle once before in Houston. She has been friends with Arnikko since she moved to Houston about 7 years ago. Danielle is multi-talented. First of all she taught me how to pin curl my hair, and I have been pin curling ever since Vegas! She knows how to style hair, do make up, etc but those skills are not her career. She has a full time position with a dental office and at the time she was transitioning to a new position. She also bakes cakes! Cakes by DaniDidIt! She is a cake stylist and her cakes are fabulous! I can tell the she puts her heart into everything that she makes! Check her out on Instagram!

Last, but not least is Markeisha! Markeisha is a nurse in the Army. I met Markeisha through Arnikko only once. Arnikko and Markeisha met during Basic training. Markeisha is so much fun to hang around and she is a person that you want to hang around. She was so easy going and she was an early riser like me! I did not have a chance to interact with her until the Vegas trip and I really enjoyed being around her. She was such a genuine person!

What an amazing group of ladies! We had an amazing time celebrating Arnikko's birthday.  I never imagined that 30 would feel this good and look this good! There is so much wisdom, intelligence, beauty and aspiration in all of these ladies. The impact that they had on my life in one weekend is only a fragment of the impact they are going to make on this world!




Friday, December 5, 2014


Wow! This year has flown by! We are now in the month of December and a new year is upon us. 2014 has been amazing. I have grown so much in this past year and I look forward to celebrating the rest of the year.

Today, I just want to share how thankful and grateful I am for EVERYTHING! My heart is so full of joy! I have always heard people say that there is a different between being happy and having joy. I thought they were synonymous but having joy just bursts from the inside. Why do I have so much joy? I thought you would never ask!

I have a wonderful support system. My parents are my foundation, they are everything and more than I could ever ask for. I have siblings that I love dearly. I have an extended family of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. I have not had to bury any of my family this year, they are still here. That's a blessing!

I have love in my life. I have a boyfriend that I feel is my partner in this life together. It feels wonderful to have someone that loves me just as much as I love him.

I have a career. I have found my niche and I am growing everyday. Not only that, I am surrounded with coworkers who are genuine.

I have goals. I have things that I want to accomplish. I want to use my life for what God wants me to do.

I have LIFE. It feels wonderful to say that. I am alive. I have all of my limbs, I'm not sick. I am living.

I have HOPE. I know that no matter what may be going on in the world, I know that there is joy in the morning.

My life is good. No, I may not have everything that I WANT but I have more than what I NEED. My joy comes from within me and I am so full. So are you happy or do you have JOY?