Friday, March 13, 2015

More Than "Just Enough"

About 4 years ago when I was searching for a vehicle, it was an extremely overwhelming process. Going to the dealership and being disappointed time after time became exhausting. Finally, I went to a Nissan dealership and test drove a vehicle. I drove the vehicle to my parent's house and discussed with my Dad the pros and cons. He told me if I really liked the car, then I should go ahead and process the paperwork to make it mine. While driving back to the dealership, I realized that I liked it but I didn't LOVE it. It was truly a base model vehicle, no power windows/locks or any other bells and whistles. Once again his words popped in my head, "It's your car. Make sure you like it because you're the person that has to pay the note every month". I was so distraught with the "car buying" process that I was ready to purchase the car even though I had reservations.

Upon arriving back at the dealership, I told the salesman I was ready to complete the paperwork. I filled the paperwork out and awaited the financial decision. *If you have ever purchased a vehicle, you know that this is the worst part of the process.* While seated quietly, I could hear the financial manager speaking with the finance company about my situation. He said, "She has steady income, she recently graduated from college, her credit is decent... Work with me so I can get her in this car. It's just a BASIC car. Nothing fancy, let's move it off the lot."

At that moment, I knew that BASIC car was NOT for me. I worked too hard to have just a BASIC car without even the standard features available in other vehicles. At that moment I withdrew my application and proudly walked back to my sister's vehicle (she had to drive me to the dealership,lol) About a month later, I purchased my current vehicle and it was more than I could have ever imagined. It was new and not used, had a few bells and whistles, and even less expensive than the car I initially looked at.

There have been so many changes happening in my life lately but no matter what I have come to the conclusion that I refuse to settle. I want to live my life far above being BASIC, simply because I know that my purpose calls for greater. I have worked hard to get an education and align myself with positions influential with my career goals. Let me clarify that I do not think I am better than anyone, I just have a greater responsibility for my life. I always have wanted MORE and I probably always will... Even though I may be at a point where I may not LOVE a particular situation, I can like it until I get to my determined destination.

Just like the financial manager labeled the car he was attempting to selling me as BASIC and I realized that it wasn't for me. I realize the same for my life. Simply because my life is not BASIC, it is valued. To whom much is given, much is required... I know that my talents have not been given in vain and I trust that they will be utilized to their full extent. I'm more than "just enough" and I do more than "just enough" to get by.

Are you "just enough" or MORE than "just enough"?

*Thank you for reading Misha's Mentions!
Please connect with me in the comments or contact me via social media!!!!*

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