Friday, February 26, 2016

I'm Back!

It is hard to believe that it has been over a year since I have posted on Misha's Mentions! I have missed blogging so much! 2015 was busy but life changing. In case you didn't know, I got married! Honestly, I didn't go into 2015 thinking I would transition from Tamisha Ashworth to Tamisha Hooker. Needless to say, I am so happy to be married. Our process for wedding planning was untraditional (to say the least). Everything was planned within 6 months and on a very strict budget. The next blog published will be all about my wedding including pictures and walking you through my process. So many people had questions about some of the elements that I incorporated and I really want to share it with you all.

I also want to give you all a snapshot of the direction I am going with Misha's Mentions. I am going to transition this blog into more of a lifestyle blog. Meaning, it will be inclusive of everything that is important and noteworthy in my life. I'm not saying that my life is more interesting than everyone else because I'm actually kind of  I want to share my love of cooking, transitioning into married life, family events, etc. I will also incorporate videos (super excited about this!) and lots of photographs. Also, I will be posting at least  twice a month. Consistency is going to be key to the growth of this blog and I don't plan to be postless for a year again.

Look forward to my blog about the wedding within the next week! Also don't forget to connect with me in the comments section and via social media. Thank you for your continued support!

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