Friday, December 15, 2017


It's Christmas season! A time to reflect on the birth of Christ and enjoy time with family and friends. It's truly a wonderful time of year!

The other day while making our Christmas gift list, Robert and I were discussing who should get what gift and where we would make the purchases. I mentioned that we only had a few kids to buy for which included my cousins Allonah (14) and Gil (12). While I tossed around some gift ideas, Robert immediately said, "Honestly, baby... those kids will appreciate whatever you give them. They are just some extremely grateful children." I instantly agreed because it was so true. I began to think of all the times where they have received gifts for birthdays or Christmas and each time they were so excited and grateful! No matter how small, they were appreciative.

This reflection has lingered in my spirit all week. My cousins' genuine appreciation has reminded me to have a spirit of gratefulness. It was an especially needed reminder during this season. Everyone is so focused on gifts but the best gifts are usually ones that money can't buy. Memories, experiences, family, friends... these things are priceless.

Today, I am grateful for the little things. I'm grateful for what I am able to give to others. I am grateful for whatever I may receive. I am grateful for another Christmas season. I am grateful for my family. I am grateful for the memories I have with the people who are no longer here.

This season I urge you to follow my cousin's examples, be grateful. It's a reminder that we sometimes forget as we get older. Make gratefulness a habit and don't take anything for granted. What are you grateful for this Christmas?

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