Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Thank You

I just want to take the time and thank all of the readers of "Misha's Mentions"! I am so excited that you all take time out of your busy day to read my thoughts! I was nervous to post my blog to Facebook because I wanted it to be perfect but I realized that the beauty of learning is having some imperfections (besides nothing is really perfect) I am learning so much. I am learning how to format my blog, post pictures and the overall process of "blogging". I also thank you for your input and suggestions. I appreciate the feedback so keep it coming. Utilize the comments section under my posts, I would love to hear from you. I have added a "Subscribe to my Blog" section so you can receive my posts by email. Also, I will post my social media information so you can connect with me in those platforms. Please feel free to share amongst your friends as well. I am so happy you are sharing this journey with me and there is definitely more to come. Thank you all!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Quiet Time

I was an only child for 6 years before my sister came into the world. I was the oldest, the first born and my mom had lots of energy and poured a lot into me. One of the things that I remember is my mom putting an emphasis on "Quiet Time".
What is quiet time, you ask? Quiet time is a period where you sit down and "calm your nerves", it involves no use of electronic devices and you sit and reflect. When I was younger, I used to use my quiet time to read. As I am getting older, I use my quiet time for silence. In the morning, I give thanks for another day and proceed to get dressed for work in silence. I enjoy my solitude. I think so much clearer and while I am not a grumpy person, there is something about clearing my mind in silence to get ready for a busy, loud day.
Quiet time was not a punishment for me. It just calmed me and gave me an opportunity to read (which I loved to do). As an adult, I voluntarily participate in quiet time and would encourage you to do the same as well. I cannot tell you how many times I have been stressed and I just gave myself a prescription of quiet time to gather my thoughts. Quiet time can take place inside or outside, the only rule is to avoid distraction.
Quiet time also gives you an opportunity to let God speak to you. Quiet time is an open door to hearing his voice. I appreciate my quiet time because it has been a peacemaker amongst confusion in my life. I appreciate my mom for implementing quiet time at such a young age for me. Although quiet time may have began as a time for HER to get some peace with a busy child, it has been my peace in my busy life.
So, tell me... Do you participate in "Quiet Time" in your daily life?

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Home Sweet Home

My 1 month anniversary of moving to Baton Rouge is 2 days away! It has been such a great transition! I really like it here even though I already considered myself a part-time resident by visiting on the weekends. The only thing that I thought would take an adjustment was the traffic but I cope with it. I don't get frustrated and I take it in stride. I love my new job, I get to travel all over the state of Louisiana and meet so many different people and telling them about the importance of voting. I am adapting to living in an apartment again but I really like it.
Things are just a little different than they were a month ago. I moved from my hometown of DeRidder, LA for a new professional opportunity. DeRidder is located in Southwest Louisiana in Beauregard Parish. It is a small town, but we do have a Wal-Mart and more than one redlight (lol). I miss my DeRidder home and sometimes I miss my old job. I miss my DeRidder home because of my family. As much as we would all get on each other's nerves, I love them and wish that they lived down the street from me sometimes. I miss going to my Gran and Pop's house to eat and talk with them. I miss only having to drive a mile or two to where I want to go.
I miss my old coworkers. I miss our daily talks about the clients we dealt with and how to help them. I miss my lunch dates with my friend, Heidi and our Frappucinno runs when we needed an extra caffeine boost. I don't miss the drive from DeRidder to Lake Charles and the miles that I put on my car.
I only moved to a different part of the state but I am happy that all the things that I love and miss are only a short drive away. I have no hard feelings against my hometown, DeRidder, LA. DeRidder has taught me a lot about community. It's a good feeling when people know your name and have something positive to say about you. It feels good to know that someone is always going to open the door for you and give you a friendly hello. It feels good to know that someone is going to almost greet you with a smile. As much as I tried to avoid DeRidder like the plague when I graduated from college, I ended up staying there for 4 years after that. I learned what it meant to work 3 part-time jobs to make ends meet. My first professional job was there, someone took a chance on a girl with no experience and built me up. From there, I went to another position that taught me lessons daily. I appreciate DeRidder and the people that also call it home. My failures and shortcomings are not to be blamed on the place that I am living but the things that I may not be doing correctly. I won't forget where I came from because one day I may be back. DeRidder is not a death sentence, as I've heard some put it, but a change of pace. If you can make it in DeRidder, you can make it anywhere. Not because it is rough around the edge or overflowing with crime but because it is going to give you a dose of the skills you need if and when you decide to take your talents elsewhere.
I am now blessed to have 2 homes, my home in Baton Rouge and my home in DeRidder. Home is where the heart is and my heart lies in both places.

Monday, December 2, 2013

A Season of Thankfulness

This year has flown by and it is hard to believe that today is the 2nd day of December already! Thanksgiving was just this past Thursday and though I have reflected on my feelings of thankfulness, I have not shared them with you all. Thanksgiving should be an everyday thing (I know it sounds cliché but it is the truth). Each night when I pray, I try to acknowledge God for all the things that I am thankful for. I am going to attempt to share the things that I am thankful for and explain a little about each one. I don't have a set number in mind, I'm just flowing completely from my heart...
1. My parents--- Veronica and Richard--- Hardworking, genuine and understanding. They don't have to do the things they do for my sister, brother and I but they do and I am extremely thankful for them. My relationship grows stronger and stronger with them as I become older and I appreciate it.
2. My grandparents.
My maternal grandparents have passed on. I miss them dearly but I have become at peace with them no longer being here. My paternal grandparents are still living. My grandfather is 86 and my Gran is 83. I love to just be around them and joke with them. I enjoy their presence and I am blessed that they are still in my life.
3. My siblings.
Savion, my youngest brother, is my heart! He is my love! Delishea, my younger sister, is my friend! We can disagree and then be best friends a minute later. I am 6 years older than my sister and 10 years older than my brother and it just works no matter what the age difference is. I love them!
4. My aunts and uncles.
I have to spotlight my Aunt Trina because I talk to her every day. She tells me things I don't want to hear and she is like an older sister. I appreciate her and sometimes I don't show it enough but she's done a lot for me. My Uncle Dale is also very influential in my life. He is a motivator like no other and I love the relationship that we have. I would not trade it for anything!
5. My boyfriend.
I don't really share a lot about my relationship (we will revisit this topic later!) I just choose for my relationship to be between us but he is my support system and makes me feel like I am the smartest girl in the world. The fact that there is someone out there who gets me and loves me for me??? Omg, it just amazes me and I am blessed that he is in my life. Enough of that,lol.
6. My friends.
I used to say that I am not a good friendmaker (not sure if that's a word, but...) but that is not true. I definitely use the quality over quantity rule for my friendships. I have my longest friend, Arnikko. My college friends, Sharika/Jenn/Twila/Marina. It gets harder and harder to talk with my friends as often as I used to but we pick up where we have left off. Oh and my newest friend, Heidi. I formed a bond with her so quick and I cherish our friendship.
7. My cousins. Especially my sister-cousins Aundrietta and Cherrelle. I love them like sisters and I am so glad that we are bonded by family.
I am also thankful for things that occur in my life. Obstacles and opportunities, they coincide because I have had to cross many obstacles to get to my opportunities. I am thankful for the talents God has given me. Even though I don't always use them to the fullest, I am thankful for the ability to communicate. I am thankful for 2nd chances, no matter how undeserving I get another chance to get it right. Most of all I am thankful for Grace and Mercy. These two collaborate and take me through my everyday life.
It is important for us to remember that Thanksgiving is not just one day but should be everyday. Thankfulness should come just as naturally as our next breath. I am thankful, grateful and blessed beyond measure. What are you thankful for this year?