Monday, December 2, 2013

A Season of Thankfulness

This year has flown by and it is hard to believe that today is the 2nd day of December already! Thanksgiving was just this past Thursday and though I have reflected on my feelings of thankfulness, I have not shared them with you all. Thanksgiving should be an everyday thing (I know it sounds cliché but it is the truth). Each night when I pray, I try to acknowledge God for all the things that I am thankful for. I am going to attempt to share the things that I am thankful for and explain a little about each one. I don't have a set number in mind, I'm just flowing completely from my heart...
1. My parents--- Veronica and Richard--- Hardworking, genuine and understanding. They don't have to do the things they do for my sister, brother and I but they do and I am extremely thankful for them. My relationship grows stronger and stronger with them as I become older and I appreciate it.
2. My grandparents.
My maternal grandparents have passed on. I miss them dearly but I have become at peace with them no longer being here. My paternal grandparents are still living. My grandfather is 86 and my Gran is 83. I love to just be around them and joke with them. I enjoy their presence and I am blessed that they are still in my life.
3. My siblings.
Savion, my youngest brother, is my heart! He is my love! Delishea, my younger sister, is my friend! We can disagree and then be best friends a minute later. I am 6 years older than my sister and 10 years older than my brother and it just works no matter what the age difference is. I love them!
4. My aunts and uncles.
I have to spotlight my Aunt Trina because I talk to her every day. She tells me things I don't want to hear and she is like an older sister. I appreciate her and sometimes I don't show it enough but she's done a lot for me. My Uncle Dale is also very influential in my life. He is a motivator like no other and I love the relationship that we have. I would not trade it for anything!
5. My boyfriend.
I don't really share a lot about my relationship (we will revisit this topic later!) I just choose for my relationship to be between us but he is my support system and makes me feel like I am the smartest girl in the world. The fact that there is someone out there who gets me and loves me for me??? Omg, it just amazes me and I am blessed that he is in my life. Enough of that,lol.
6. My friends.
I used to say that I am not a good friendmaker (not sure if that's a word, but...) but that is not true. I definitely use the quality over quantity rule for my friendships. I have my longest friend, Arnikko. My college friends, Sharika/Jenn/Twila/Marina. It gets harder and harder to talk with my friends as often as I used to but we pick up where we have left off. Oh and my newest friend, Heidi. I formed a bond with her so quick and I cherish our friendship.
7. My cousins. Especially my sister-cousins Aundrietta and Cherrelle. I love them like sisters and I am so glad that we are bonded by family.
I am also thankful for things that occur in my life. Obstacles and opportunities, they coincide because I have had to cross many obstacles to get to my opportunities. I am thankful for the talents God has given me. Even though I don't always use them to the fullest, I am thankful for the ability to communicate. I am thankful for 2nd chances, no matter how undeserving I get another chance to get it right. Most of all I am thankful for Grace and Mercy. These two collaborate and take me through my everyday life.
It is important for us to remember that Thanksgiving is not just one day but should be everyday. Thankfulness should come just as naturally as our next breath. I am thankful, grateful and blessed beyond measure. What are you thankful for this year?

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