Monday, June 2, 2014

Margaret Ann Buckley

As I get older I remember so many great things from my childhood. I remember being an only child. I remember begging my mom for a Little Mermaid watch and actually getting it for Christmas. I remember when I competed in a pageant, lost and then cried so hard my Daddy bought me my own crown for my birthday. All of my memories make me smile and bring back such great times. I was blessed to have such a great upbringing that was not focused on material things but on family as well.
If I had to recall a bad memory, it has to be when I was 9 years old. I remember it vividly as if it happened yesterday. I was at school and having a great day because we had a substitute teacher that happened to be my older cousin, Sand. We had so much fun in class that day and then the intercom came on and the secretary asked that I come to the office because I was being checked out of school. This was a rare occurrence but that just made my day even better. I ran down the hallway to see my mama waiting for me but she didn't seem happy. In fact, she was almost in tears. I thought I could just tell her about my day and she would cheer up, but she leaned down to me and said, "Granny Marge passed away today".
I stopped in my tracks because I couldn't believe it. My Granny was no longer here? She passed away? I understood what death was but even today I have a hard time comprehending what it MEANS. Yes, there's a difference. You see, even in my 9 year old mind, I knew that some things would never be the same. My weekend excursions to Singer were going to become non-existent. My days of eating the "heart" of a watermelon sprinkled with salt right next to her were gone. I wouldn't see her huge smile and infectious laughter anymore. I wouldn't have someone to save me from spankings anymore. My life had changed in an instant. Not just my life, but my entire family's life. 10 children would have to grieve for their mother, my other cousins would grieve for their grandmother, countless others would grieve for their friend and others would just grieve for that sweet woman from Singer.
As time has gone on, I keep trying to replay the memories of her life in my head. I don't want to forget her smile, the way she hugged me or even her sometimes deep voice. Her spirit was so gentle but she made such an impact on my life. 20+ years have passed by but I still have a place for her in my heart. The memories start to fade sometimes and it frustrates me because I want to remember EVERYTHING. She was my Granny and I loved her so much in my 9 years before she passed away.
The truth is that I NEVER stopped loving her, so I continued to love her even now and I am 29 years old. When you get older, you realize that death is apart of life and at some point and time everyone will experience it. As humans, we like to say "she was taken too soon" but God always knows best. I thank Him for sharing her with me. Though the time was short, I appreciate it so much.
Today, June 2nd, is my Granny Marge's birthday and I celebrate her life because it did not end on that day in January. Her life carries on in my mother, my 9 other aunts and uncles, my cousins and every life that she touched. We have a responsibility that her memory be kept alive not only for these past 20 years but for many more years to come.
Pictured is me at my birthday party with my Gran (Annie) standing and my Granny Marge seated in the blue jean dress

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