Thursday, July 3, 2014


"Sometimes you have to do things that you DON'T want to do just to make it in life"... These were words that my Aunt Trina told me back in 2007. I had a very rough year, I made poor decisions that ultimately made me take a hiatus from college. I did not know what I was going to do. My Aunt Trina told me that maybe I needed to consider working at Sonic and saving my money so I could enroll myself in school again. That was NOT something I wanted to hear, but then she told me again, "Sometimes you have to do things that you DON'T want to do just to make it in life". Reluctantly, I followed her advice. I worked hard, put myself back in school,and graduated 2 years later with my college degree!
My Aunt Trina is one of my mom's youngest siblings, yet somehow I look at her as more than my aunt. She's my friend, confidante and unsolicited advisor (just kidding). I talk to her everyday, sometimes 3-4 times per day. She has ALWAYS been there for me. There are so many times that I made choices that were not beneficial for me, but somehow she was there to motivate me and help me out of the situation (if needed). She always gave me the truth, whether I wanted to hear it or not. Sometimes the truth can be a bitter pill to swallow, but it takes a real person to give it to you. Her opinions are not always "sugar-coated" and she does not apologize for it. That is what I admire about her so much, she is genuine.
Trina is an overcomer. Her mother (my Granny) passed away her Senior year of High School. That was hard for her, I know it was. I know that she has dealt with her loss but it still hurts. She stayed in DeRidder after she graduated and she began to work. She worked very hard. She always wanted to go to college, so she would take a few classes here and there. Sometimes she would sit out semesters at a time but then she would go back. Eventually, she got married and then moved to Delaware. She was now a military wife. Then, she became pregnant and she became a mother. Now, she had a family. Deep down, she would always tell me that she was going back to school. She would still take classes when she could but it was not steady. When her family moved to Georgia at their current duty station, she told me she was not going to work. She was going to go to school full time. I was surprised but supportive. She enrolled in a local technical college and began her studies. Sometimes, it would get rough and she would tell me, "I'm just going to get a job, this school isn't cutting it". Or she would tell me,"I'm just going to be a part time student". I would motivate to keep going and everything would fall into place. Well she kept going, and she kept going. On May 8, 2014, she graduated with an Associate's degree in Accounting. She did it! I had to be there to celebrate with her. She kept telling everyone that it wasn't a big deal, it's just an Associate's degree. But it was a big deal to me. My encourager, friend and biggest cheerleader was achieving exactly what she motivated me to achieve. After graduation I asked her, "What is the next step?" She told me, "My Bachelor's degree". That is the spirit of my Aunt. She NEVER gives up and she keeps striving for more.
She has poured so much into my life, I don't know how to repay her. I try to tell her how much she is appreciated and how much she is loved. She sacrificed for her family. Her husband has had to travel away for his military duties, and she just takes the whole situation in stride. She has moved to different duty stations and has made it look so easy. She is a great mother and loves her son with all of her heart. She's his biggest supporter and you can always find her volunteering at his school when she can. She makes her life look so effortless but I know she has struggles just like the rest of us. She is resilient. I appreciate her for being a giver and being selfless. She loves her family and gives everyone the benefit of the doubt. She has told me many times that she is proud of me but I am proud of HER. I cannot wait to see what comes next in her life and I plan to be there for her, just like she was for me.


  1. Thanks Tamisha I love you too.

  2. Awesome, Tamisha and Trina!! -Sand
