Tuesday, August 12, 2014

MY Daddy

As I get older, I realize that I am abundantly blessed. I have the most amazing family and support system and I am truly thankful for everyone that is in my life. I am so grateful for my parents. Yes, my mom and dad. I realize that in a world where a lot of daughters grow up without their fathers, I have mine. That fact alone is something to be happy about, but what is even better is that my father is a great Daddy!

Yesterday was my Daddy's birthday and he celebrated 50+ years on this earth. Our relationship has grown as I have gotten older and I value it more than anything. If you know my Daddy, you know that he does not say much. He is very quiet and he thinks about what he is going to say before he says it. He has a really deep voice that commands that you listen when he does decide to speak. Even though I'm soon to be 30 years old, I still stop what I'm doing if he raises his voice a little bit. He is very simple, it does not take a lot to please him. He works hard. He has worked shift work for as long as I can remember and I don't hear him complain often. He provides for our family and we have always had what we need and most of what we want. 
He has taught me so many things. When I was in Junior High, he tried to teach me to play basketball. I was not very good but he supported me and kept trying to teach me. When I was in High School, he taught me to play tennis. I could be a whole lot better if I would've listened when he tried to teach me sooner. When I graduated high school, he taught me how to handle my finances. "Don't get credit cards, live within your means and work for what you want." I listened, but not completely. There is a pattern that was developed. He shared his knowledge and I listened but most of the time, it went in one ear and out the other.

Sometimes I would get so frustrated with him because I thought he did not understand me. He could be so strict on me: No school dances, no sleepovers, no skating rinks, and the list goes on and on. Everything I asked to do, it seemed like he said "NO". When I was about 13, he told me that when I got older I would understand his reasoning for the things that he did. In my teenage mind, I never thought I would see that day. In the last few years, I have seen that day. I can reflect and fully understand every "NO" that he gave me when I wanted to go to that dance or to that skating rink. I understood why he took the time to tell me how to handle my finances and many other lessons. Everything has become clear.

In our society, fathers are seen as a paycheck. As if their only means of existence are to provide for their families monetarily. But, fathers are meant to provide in so many other ways. We need them emotionally, spiritually and whole-heartedly. My Daddy is not perfect but he has always been there for me. He cares so much for my brother, sister and I. He would bend over backwards just to make sure that we have what we need. As old as I am, he still makes sure that he gets me a birthday card every year and it means so much to me. Maybe that is why I value our relationship so much. It is simple. Whether it is a text asking me how my day is or buying him a milkshake when I go home (he loves ice cream), it is truly the little things.

 I remember when I was little he used to work 12 hour shifts, it seemed in my little child's mind that he was gone forever. I remember he would ask me, "How much do you love me?" I would stretch my arms as wide as I could and say "Thiiiiiiisssssss  much!!!". As the years went on, he didn't ask how much I love him and as a teenager I probably would not have told him. But now, I understand that sometimes the words don't have to be spoken to know that someone loves you. Actions truly speak louder than words. My Daddy has shown that he loves me even if he does not always tell me. Today, I simply want to tell him THANK YOU, I understand what he tried to teach and instill in me. I hope to continue to make him proud through my actions AND words. I Love You Daddy and Happy Birthday!

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