Sunday, March 15, 2015


A couple of years ago, I had the opportunity to be a caseworker for a national mentoring organization. I learned so much in that position! Not only was it a position where I could utilize my Communications degree but I also had a hands-on approach to issues that children and adolescents face daily. The majority of the cases that I handled did not involve "bad" children. The children just needed a little outside guidance from an adult who had their best interests at heart. As a caseworker, I matched several children with amazing mentors that were positive forces in their lives. The experience made me a firm believer in the importance of mentorship at any age.

Though I have not formally had the title of having a mentee/mentor relationship, I have had several influential people in my professional career. I am so grateful for their guidance and expertise. They definitely poured good information into my life.

During my last two quarters at Louisiana Tech, I realized that I needed some hands-on experience for me to comfortably enter the job market. My major didn't have an internship list, but the Journalism department did and it was accessible to the public. I printed the list and did a Google search on each company that was listed. I came across the Ruston-Lincoln Convention & Visitors Bureau. Timothy was the Marketing Director and I reached out to him via email. He set up an appointment with me, interviewed me and gave me the opportunity to be under his wing. He taught me so much that supplemented my education. He gave me the opportunity to write press releases, create e-newsletters, and develop contacts with community stakeholders. Because of him, I was also given the opportunity to work on the Ruston Peach Festival. I still use the techniques, nuggets of advice and writing samples in my professional life. I appreciate his patience and wisdom.

My first professional position after college was as Community Engagement Coordinator for an advocacy program. I was so nervous that I was going to fail! I knew I had the training/skills to do the job, I just did not fully have the confidence. During my first week, I had the pleasure of being acquainted with Rochelle and Tommy. I now refer to them as my "Work Mom" and "Work Dad". They gave me a verbal blueprint of the expectations of my position but would also steer me in the right direction when it seemed that I was out of focus. I only held my position for 10 months until I moved on to another opportunity, but the months that I spent with my Work Mom and Work Dad have stayed relevant in my current professional life. They not only guided me professionally but also sowed into my life spiritually. I am grateful for them... always.

In my most recent position, I entered into a realm where I have never worked before. I was still hired to do Communications/Public Relations however I was no longer in the nonprofit sector. I was hired into a small division with a busy schedule. Sailor was the director of that division. From the beginning, I realized he was an amazing listener. Even though I was new, he always seemed to see potential in me. Over the year and a half that he served as my director, I simply observed him. He is admired by many people and people never have a bad word to say about him. As I observed him, I noticed that he always spoke and held a conversation with anyone. He always chose his words wisely and he always got his point across. He was simply a genuine person who had an important position but he didn't let that overshadow his morals.

Through these people I have learned so much! Each person taught me something different but I hold all the information in my heart and mind. I crossed their paths at different points in my professional life, but they molded me into the person I am today. The only regret I have is that I haven't expressed how much they have sowed into my life and how much I continue to reap from those seeds. I hope that the incline of my career and faithfulness to my values and beliefs mirror the opportunities that they have implanted in me.

*Thanks for reading Misha's Mentions!!! I would love to hear your feedback. Please reach out to me in the comments section or via social media!*

Friday, March 13, 2015

More Than "Just Enough"

About 4 years ago when I was searching for a vehicle, it was an extremely overwhelming process. Going to the dealership and being disappointed time after time became exhausting. Finally, I went to a Nissan dealership and test drove a vehicle. I drove the vehicle to my parent's house and discussed with my Dad the pros and cons. He told me if I really liked the car, then I should go ahead and process the paperwork to make it mine. While driving back to the dealership, I realized that I liked it but I didn't LOVE it. It was truly a base model vehicle, no power windows/locks or any other bells and whistles. Once again his words popped in my head, "It's your car. Make sure you like it because you're the person that has to pay the note every month". I was so distraught with the "car buying" process that I was ready to purchase the car even though I had reservations.

Upon arriving back at the dealership, I told the salesman I was ready to complete the paperwork. I filled the paperwork out and awaited the financial decision. *If you have ever purchased a vehicle, you know that this is the worst part of the process.* While seated quietly, I could hear the financial manager speaking with the finance company about my situation. He said, "She has steady income, she recently graduated from college, her credit is decent... Work with me so I can get her in this car. It's just a BASIC car. Nothing fancy, let's move it off the lot."

At that moment, I knew that BASIC car was NOT for me. I worked too hard to have just a BASIC car without even the standard features available in other vehicles. At that moment I withdrew my application and proudly walked back to my sister's vehicle (she had to drive me to the dealership,lol) About a month later, I purchased my current vehicle and it was more than I could have ever imagined. It was new and not used, had a few bells and whistles, and even less expensive than the car I initially looked at.

There have been so many changes happening in my life lately but no matter what I have come to the conclusion that I refuse to settle. I want to live my life far above being BASIC, simply because I know that my purpose calls for greater. I have worked hard to get an education and align myself with positions influential with my career goals. Let me clarify that I do not think I am better than anyone, I just have a greater responsibility for my life. I always have wanted MORE and I probably always will... Even though I may be at a point where I may not LOVE a particular situation, I can like it until I get to my determined destination.

Just like the financial manager labeled the car he was attempting to selling me as BASIC and I realized that it wasn't for me. I realize the same for my life. Simply because my life is not BASIC, it is valued. To whom much is given, much is required... I know that my talents have not been given in vain and I trust that they will be utilized to their full extent. I'm more than "just enough" and I do more than "just enough" to get by.

Are you "just enough" or MORE than "just enough"?

*Thank you for reading Misha's Mentions!
Please connect with me in the comments or contact me via social media!!!!*

Friday, February 20, 2015


Do you consider FAITH a noun or a verb? Let's start with the dictionary definition of faith: something that is believed especially with strong conviction (Merriam Webster Dictionary). Personally, I identify with the biblical definition: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1). Now, do you consider FAITH a noun or a verb? A noun is a person, place or thing but a verb is an action.

To me, FAITH is a verb. I know you are probably wondering why does it matter if it is a noun or a verb. It matters because without faith, it is impossible to make it through life. Your FAITH becomes activated during some of the most challenging times in life. Trust me, I may only be 30 years old but there have been situations in my life that have caused me to rely solely on my faith.

Honestly, FAITH becomes tested when you least expect it. A couple of weeks ago, my FAITH was tested with news of possible layoffs. I did not become nervous but I remained calm. My FAITH reassured me that it will be alright. Before my human instincts could kick in to cause me to worry about bills, responsibilities and other uncertainties; my FAITH was already working in overdrive.

Presently, I am still faced with uncertainty but I know that it will all work out. I know that sometimes things have to be taken away or altered to allow us to reach higher heights. For the past 3 years, I have prayed constantly about my purpose and direction. I want to be able to utilize my gifts in the spiritual and natural world. I know that I have to maintain my FAITH in order to get to the place where I need to be in my life.

Though the outcome may seem far away and the obstacles may seem too great, I know that it will be ok. I have a strong feeling that the situation will work out for my good. It is so easy to quote the definition of FAITH or to tell someone else to "Keep the FAITH". The hard part comes when you have to ACTIVATE your FAITH.

Now, do you consider FAITH a noun or a verb? I am currently activating my FAITH because I know that even though the situation may seem impossible, it is more than possible.

Sunday, February 15, 2015


Have you ever been so happy and full of love that you feel like you could burst? My heart gets so overwhelmed with feelings of extreme joy that I think I cannot take anymore. It is the best feeling!

I often get full of joy when I go home to DeRidder. My family makes my heart soooo full because I love them soooooo much! I also get full of joy when I begin to think of my relationship with my boyfriend. I get so full of joy that it almost brings me to tears (happy tears!). I also get full of joy when I go to church. Sometimes the message that is being brought forth is just for me and it consumes my heart and makes my spirit so full! 

Love is so powerful! It can be so hard to describe a feeling that is so deep. I know that it feels so good to experience love in its purest form. I can only hope that everyone else can experience love the way that I have. 

Valentine's Day was yesterday and it makes me so happy to see everyone celebrate a holiday that is centered around love. Now, I know there are some people that are ANTI- Valentine's Day participants... you know, the ones that say it's a holiday created by florists and greeting card companies or it may be the ones that are single. Personally, I believe that sometimes as humans we need a holiday that prompts us to remember the people that are special to us and express our love. Many people stated, "Valentine's Day is just one day, but you should show love EVERYDAY". That is also true but we get so wrapped up in our everyday busy lives that we don't show how much our loved ones mean to us.

At the end of the day; the candy, cards, jewelry, dinner, etc that Valentine's Day brings is awesome. Some people go above and beyond to make that someone special know that they are loved. Valentine's Day may seem like a day reserved for your significant other but you can spread your love to everyone that holds a special place in your heart.

In the midst of all the sweet treats, flowers and food... My Valentine's Day wish is that everyone's heart is filled with love, so much love that you feel like you could burst. Though the feeling is not tangible, it is everlasting. What better Valentine's gift than a full heart?  Happy Valentines Day! 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Happy, Happy New Year! Wait, I know I'm so late. I won't give you any excuses but I will tell you that I am so happy to be back in action! I am so excited for the things I have planned for Misha's Mentions this year! Now, that pleasantries are out of the way... How many of you made resolutions? I know, I know it seems that resolutions are not "in" anymore. More than anything on social media, people make fun of the people that still partake in resolutions. Well, I have a confession to make.... I still believe in resolutions!

I have always been a fan of goal setting, lists, planning, etc. I like to write down what I want to accomplish, how I'm going to do it and when it's going to happen. Goal setting just makes me feel complete. I tend to live by the fact that each day you wake up is another chance to get it right, which means I may not always accomplish every goal but I keep trying. New Year's Resolutions are basically the main event of Goal Setting. It's the perfect time to shine and get your best goal ready. So, I know you are probably wondering what my resolutions are?

My main resolution is to get in better shape. Not a very original resolution, but a necessary one. Currently, I weigh the most that I have ever weighed in my life. It has to change. I am making a conscious decision to eat better and exercise more. I even signed up for my first 5K, which has been a goal of mine for the past 3 years! I am excited about the journey that I am embarking on.

While on social media, I saw a graphic for 2014 Reflections and 2015 Goals. I want to share it with you so you can fill in your own blanks but I also want to share what I filled in!

My favorite experience: My 30th Birthday! I am loving becoming older and more mature.

My biggest accomplishment: Misha's Mentions! This is something that gives me great joy and I am working to make it even better.

My favorite place to visit: DeRidder, LA. It's HOME, always has been and always will be.

The best meal is: Chargrilled oysters and boiled seafood (crab legs, shrimp, crawfish, etc)

If I have a free day, I like to: Open my blinds to let the sunlight in and lounge on the couch. Then go to the lakes for a walk. Perfect.

My favorite book: I don't really have one right now! I used to read all the time but I don't really read as much now.

My favorite movie: ???

One way I'd like to grow in 2015: Follow through with all the great ideas that I come up with!

I want to continue to: Have positive energy. Being negative can really weigh you down.

I want to try: Expanding my palette and trying new foods.

I want to stop: Doubting myself.

I'd like to visit these places: Washington, D.C./ New York City/Orlando, FL/Destin, FL

My goals for this year:          1.Follow through with my ideas for Misha's Mentions.
                                                 2. Keep being me and striving to be better everyday.

Everyday I wake up thankful for a new day and ready to make this day better than the one before. I make resolutions every day as I think about how I can be better. Instead of saying "New Year, New Me", say "New Year, Same Me...But Better" Happy New Year!